Welcome aboard SuperGold card holders
SuperGold card holders are eligible for free off-peak travel on most CityLink Whāngārei buses. Off-peak travel is between 9am to 3pm weekdays, and anytime on Saturdays.
SuperGold card holders need to load their concession onto a Bee Card. You can get a Bee Card in person at Rose Street bus station, or you can order one online at Bee Card website
Once you’ve received your card you can load your concession online at Bee Card website – you will need your SuperGold Card details – or you can do it in person at Rose Street bus station.
You need to “tap on, tap off” with your Bee Card when boarding and exiting the bus. It’s a good idea to also carry your SuperGold card when travelling, as proof of eligibility.
What transport concessions are available to SuperGold Card holders?
SuperGold Card holders can access free travel on scheduled off-peak CityLink Whāngārei bus services only.
From 1 July 2023, Community Services Card holders are eligible for the Community Connect concession and half-price public transport. If you are a SuperGold card holder and are eligible, you can apply to have the Community Connect concession for half-price travel at peak times. However, if you do this, you will need to have two Bee Cards, as there can only be one concession per Bee Card. You can find out more here
You can also call the Transport team on 0800 002 004 if you are unsure what concession will be best for you.
What times are ‘off-peak’?
Between 9am and 3pm on week days, and any time on Saturdays. The CityLink Whāngārei bus service does not operate on Sundays or public holidays.
When will I be able to use my SuperGold Card to access free off-peak public transport?
From Saturday 1 November 2008.
Will I need to show any identification to travel for free?
You will need your Bee Card and it’s a good idea to travel with your SuperGold Card, as proof of eligibility.
Will I be asked to provide any other information?
Yes. The driver may ask how far you are travelling – this is to help us monitor the use of bus services by SuperGold Card holders.
What if the driver doesn’t accept my card?
Drivers have been instructed to accept all valid SuperGold Cards for free travel on eligible services. If you experience any difficulties using your card on eligible services, please contact us on citylink@nrc.govt.nz
Is free travel also available for long distance travel?
No. Funding applies only to public bus transport travel within the Whangarei urban area.
Who will administer free off-peak public transport services?
We are responsible for administering the system, with monitoring from NZ Transport Agency and the Ministry of Transport.
Will there be any differences in the free services offered from region to region?
Yes. Regions already have different existing public transport services, including the availability of different modes, frequency of services and area coverage. There will also be differences in availability.
Will this mean an increase in the amount of public transport services available?
No. Public transport in New Zealand currently has spare off-peak capacity which will be able to meet increased demand in the off-peak periods.
Does this scheme apply to Total Mobility?
No. The SuperGold Card concessions target scheduled off-peak public transport services only.
What about disabled users of public transport?
While there are some SuperGold Card holders with a disability who are unable to use conventional scheduled public transport, all of our urban bus fleet now have super-low floors which are more accessible.
Do international pensioners receive this concession?
No. This policy is only for New Zealand residents who hold a SuperGold Card.
How can I get a SuperGold Card?
The SuperGold Card is available to all New Zealanders aged 65 years and over who are permanently resident in New Zealand. It is automatically issued to those who receive the New Zealand Superannuation or the Veteran’s Pension.
If you have not received your card, or if you have misplaced it, contact the SuperGold Card Centre:
Phone: 0800 25 45 65
Email info@supergold.govt.nz
Download a copy of an application from www.supergold.govt.nz
You can also apply for a card at any Work and Income Service Centre.